Mixed Case - February 2021

caisse mixte novembre site web.jpg

This February, we are proposing you a wine from the South of France, made by a Japanese and a sake from Southern Japan, made by many Japanese 😅.

In collaboration with our friends from Bonita’s/ La Capital Tacos we offer you our mixed case either by delivery or for pick-up at the restaurant.

With your case you get:

  • Delicious meatless nachos (it’s the law!), ready to assemble when you want

  • An access to our online pop-up (recorded) where products will be discussed and questions answered (in French).

Only thing left to do is to order your care package.

Deadline to order : February 14

Delivery / pickup date: February 18*

Online pop-up: February 25 @ 8pm (recorded) 

* Within the selected delivery time frame. We cannot guarantee the possibility of changing delivery time once it has been selected.

  1. WA 2019

Wa Sud is the brainchild of Kohki Iwata who setted up his winery in the Languedoc to create wines without any input. After internships notably with Jean Foillard and Olivier Cousin, it was time for Kohki to start his own shop. The eponymous cuvée Wa (the わ hiragana can be seen on the label), meaning “plenitude”, is a blend of Cinsault and Pinot Noir. Quite chuggable even with its 14 % of alcohol on the 19’ vintage. 0 added sulphur just like Kohki prefers them.

We are all aware of the success that the talented Japanese have had with making wine in France (Pedres Blanques, Chanterêves, Domaine des Miroirs…). Well, Wa Sud is no exception.

With a microscopic total yearly production of 5,000 bottles, we feel super lucky to have Kohki’s wines on the other side of the pond.


Surprisingly enough, the brewery Yamaguchi Shuzōjō 山口酒造場 is not located in the Yamaguchi Prefecture but rather in Fukuoka 福岡県, on the neighbouring island of Kyūshū 九州. Yamaguchi refers to the founding family of the brewery, of which the current kuramoto (president), Tetsuo Yamaguchi 山口哲生, represents the 11th generation. 

The Fukuoka Prefecture is somewhat of a curiosity on Kyūshū. Given its southern latitude, the island climate traditionally favours shōchū (spirit) making than sake. As a matter of fact, sake production is only on top volume-wise in two of its prefectures: Saga and Fukuoka. The latter is even one of the strongholds in terms of number of kura, ranking fifth in this category in all of Japan with its 50-something breweries. 

Niwa no Uguisu 60 is made with Yamada-Nishiki as kōji rice 麹米 and with Yume-Ikkon 夢一献 as kake-mai 掛米.

The brewery’s motto has always been to focus on food first, sake being more of a second chair to the ensemble. Niwa no Uguisu 60 reflects this philosophy, with its green melon aromatics and deep lingering finale on the palate. 

Niwa no Uguisu means “nightingale's garden”, the same bird we see chirping on the label. Another sake we proudly represent in Quebec #deseteurimport.

Insider Tip: The vegetarian nacho + Niwa no Uguisu 60 = 💥


Included : 1 wine bottle (750 ml) & 1 sake bottle (720 ml), 1 vegetarian nacho and 1 online pop-up

Price: 105 $ + taxes

Pickup: delivery or pick-up at the restaurant